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How to Get the Most Out of Group Fitness Classes

It’s a new year and new decade. Weather you made a New Year’s resolution or not, we see you in the studio absolutely crushing your fitness goals. Here are a few things to think about to help keep the momentum up and on the same path for the rest of the year.


Myth - Using equipment in class makes the class harder and I will burn more calories.

Fact - Barre workouts are known as low impact workouts that use body weight for resistance. Over the years BBS has added in additional equipment and increased cardio in order to challenge both ourselves and our evolving community. Equipment is an optional add on. The real work is in your body and your awareness of the muscle engagement. That is what will get you results.

Read on - If you feel dread when you see that your instructor has put out 5 lbs weights, grab a lighter set, or don’t use any at all. The bands, discs, gliders and other equipment your instructor puts out are optional. You can choose to do the exercises without any props if you would like. The work we do in clas is about engaging your muscles through the entirety of the movement, regardless of the amount of weight you’re holding, resistance of the band you’re wearing, or the stability of surface you’re standing on. Props add in a challenge that should enhance your workout. Doing the exercise without them does not make them easy. In fact, we challenge each of you to do 1 class this year with no weights or props, and instead focus on contracting the muscles your instructor is cueing you to use. We bet that you will feel a major burn.


Myth - Taking modi;cations is a sign of weakness. No way, no how. I will not modify.

Fact - Taking modifications is a sign of strength, doesn’t make the exercise easier and is a great option for everyone and every body to use in order to gain more awareness of your body and progress forward.

Read on - Modi;cation does not mean easier. It means more accessible in order to tap into the proper form and movement. Whether you need a modi;cation due to injury, lack of mobility, still building up the strength or feeling tired, your instructor offers them for you to be able to get the most out of your workout. You will see and feel results way faster if you do the exercises with proper form. That means that if you are wrenching your body to do an exercise, you aren’t going to get the benefits from it that you could have if you did the modi;cation.

Indoor Shoes

Myth - Indoor shoes are for ‘old’ people or people with injuries.

Fact - Indoor shoes in class are for anyone that feels they need additional support during all or portions of the class.

Read on - If you are experiencing foot, leg, hip or really any pain, try wearing supportive shoes during your workout. Maybe you’ll wear them for every class, or maybe just temporarily. We want you to get the most out of your workouts and if wearing shoes in the studio helps, wear them. Our only ask is that they are clean and only worn indoors. We don’t want the tribe member next to you to step on a rock in their toesox and hurt themselves.


Myth - Rest days aren’t all that they are cracked up to be. In order to see changes I need to push myself harder.

Fact - The body NEEDS rest. Period.

Read on - Rest is an integral part of your ;tness routine. It allows your body to recover and repair and is essential to your progress. Rest does not necessarily mean sitting on the couch and not moving. You could walk outside or take a gentle yoga or stretch class. Resting allows your muscles time to repair in order for you to come back stronger for your next workout.


Myth - If I am not sweating an excessive amount in class, I don’t need much water.

Fact - The body needs WAY more water than we are giving it (in most cases). Drinking more water will not only assist you with hydration, but will also aid in `exibility, weight loss, mental fog and improve sleep quality.

Read on - Our bodies are made of up to 60% water, which is lost quickly during workouts. Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, which can lead to a decrease in physical performance and can adversely affect your health. Hydrate before, during and after your workouts. How much water is needed varies person to person and depends on the type, intensity and environment of your workout.

Barre Body Essentials

Myth - BBE is for newbies and people who don’t know what they are doing.

Fact - BBE is for smart people wanting to educate themselves so that they can get the most out of their workouts, safely progress and break out of plateaus.

Read on - Proper form; it is the key to your success and progress in your workouts. Our Barre Body Essentials master class is a 75-minute class that breaks down the fundamental principles behind the physical movement we do in order for you to reap the most out of every moment you spend in the studio. This class is led by a master trainer who explains in detail what your form and alignment should be, as well as where you should be feeling each exercise versus how the body wants to “cheat” to make it easier. Another barre tender is there to help with hands on adjustments to really drive home proper form, as well as to be available to answer any questions you may have in real time. Check out this link (/service/blog/2019/04/27/back-to-basics) for more details and upcoming dates.


Myth - If I work out 60 mins a day, I don’t really need to watch what I eat.

Fact - If you are seeking physical results, then understanding what you are eating and when is important.

Read on - Your body is a vehicle that needs fuel to keep running. This means fueling up before your workout and replenishing the tank afterwards. There are no hard rules of what you should eat and when, and like hydration, each body will require something different. According to the American Heart Association and, it’s a good idea to fuel up 1-4 hours before your workout by hydrating and eating healthy carbohydrates such as whole-grain cereals, whole-what toast, yogurt, whole grain pasta, brown rice, fruits and vegetables. If you’ve only got a few mins before your workout, a piece of fruit like an apple or banana will work. After your workout, rehydrate and eat something with complex carbs to help replenish what you burned and protein to help your muscles repair and grow. Here is a great article written by one of our incredible members Sarah Remmer - check out the last bit of the blog for some tips on what to eat before and after a workout, and a few delish recipes too!

Listen to your body. It knows it what needs and is constantly trying to tell you. All you have to do is listen.


Emma Cook

Director of Training

BBS Team

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