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Writer's pictureBarre Body Studio

Ready to Jumpstart 2021?

It’s challenge time! We're ready for it!

The Barre Body 30-day Spring Challenge is offered as a chance for us to connect through movement, share our wins, fave classes, pain points in the chat rooms and fill the board with checkmarks, stickers and emojis. As with all BBS challenges, we encourage you to write down your own goals.

This is a 30x30 challenge but that doesn’t mean you NEED to do 30 classes in 30 days. Choose something outside of your comfort zone while also being realistic with your time and commitment. This should C-H-A-L-L-E-N-G-E you, not destroy your body or crush your spirit.

Here are some examples you may want to refer to when setting your own goals:

*30 classes in 30 days (7 per week) - 2x HIIT, 1x activity outside (walk/run/garden), 1x >30 min class for busy days, 1x livestream class, 1x Strength (no cardio class), 1x stretch/restore/yoga class.


*20 classes in 30 days (5 per week) - 1x HIIT, 1x stretch/restore/yoga, 1x activity outside (walk/run/garden), 1x livestream, 1x >30 min class, 1x Strength & Sweat class.

We often hear that choosing what class to take can be the hardest part and sometimes derails you completely. AKA too many choices = overwhelm = energy suck = I give up.

Insert BBS On Demand 30-day Spring Challenge programs to the rescue.

We’ve curated the best of the best BBS On Demand workouts to help you tackle the 30-day Spring Challenge. Here’s what we’ve got in store so you can slay the day and finish each class feeling your best self.

#1: Purchase the BBS 30-day full body, high energy, jam packed Spring Challenge program. This program includes: 11x current livestream classes (rental value of $55) PLUS 5x unreleased classes. Check out the line up here. We’ve also added a calendar for you to print and follow along with. Current livestream classes will be added to the program as they air. All this for a low cost of $40.

#2: Access the free BBS 30-day workout calendar posted HERE and all you need to do is print it, search for the recommended daily class and push play. We’ve selected some of our favourite workouts from a variety of instructors based on feedback from all of you.

#3: Check out the new collection within BBS OnDemand titled: April Favourites. You’ll find the top 10 most watched videos On Demand right now. These are the classes you’re raving about - there’s no doubt about it.

#4: Print a blank calendar (we’ve made one for you HERE) and create your own 30-day program. Share it with us on social media and inspire the BBS community with your creativity and goals!

Remember moderation and listening to your body is strongly encouraged. There is a fine line between, “Ugh, I don’t want to work out” and “Oh boy! My body needs to rest.” Learn to know the difference.

As always, we’re here to support you on your journey. Have questions or suggestions? Reach out.

The 30-day Spring Challenge Starts on Saturday, April 17th.

If you’re signed up, we’ll send you the link to access the virtual challenge board on Friday. Not signed up yet, what are you waiting for?! Sign up HERE.

Let’s move!

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The Barre Body 30-day Spring Challenge is a great way to boost fitness and stay motivated with daily workouts. It’s perfect for building strength and flexibility while maintaining a healthy routine. If you're balancing this challenge with academic work, like researching contract law dissertation topics, staying active can help keep your mind sharp and focused!


There will undoubtedly be a great deal of change that you will be able to see after a period of thirty days. geometry dash


After 30 days there will definitely be many changes that you will clearly see. Head Soccer

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